- As one of the backbone and spearhead industries in many countries, Manufacturing has always been given special attention and priority in how to effectively manage human resources due to large investment capital and extremely human resources. large, diversified in terms of levels, subjects, ages, regions, etc.

1. High-quality human resources are in short supply in the market, unskilled workers must be recruited continuously
- With qualified employees, it is easy for them to find work because of the shortage and extremely competitive market. However, the highly qualified group is seriously lacking and businesses often have to send them for training.
- Unlike qualified personnel, the group of unskilled workers in production is very large, but they have too many choices to decide, so they often change jobs, which leads to the human resources department often having to recruit employees for their jobs. production blocks.
2. Daily processing of public data is really tiring
Work is probably the most difficult problem for manufacturing enterprises, especially in the manufacturing sector. There are many issues the HR department needs to deal with when synthesizing work:
- Employees work in 3 shifts, night shift timekeeping easily leads to confusion with other groups of employees.
- Overtime before and overtime after regular main shift at peak production times.
- Overtime exceeds state regulations.
- Elderly employees are not proficient in using technology devices, so they cannot digitize the registration of leave and overtime but still have to do it manually.
- Unusual cases of timekeeping occur too often: lack of timekeeping, wrong timekeeping, registration of leave but still attendance, etc.

3. It's not uncommon to calculate wages overnight
The salary formulas of the production sector are relatively complex, the most common are the following types of salary calculation:
- Calculate salary by time
- Calculate salary by product
- Performance bonus
However, for businesses with the appearance of salary packages (time-based, product-based or both), the complexity of the operation will be extremely high, errors often occur.
Humax is highly flexible and customizable to the complex human resource problems of Vietnamese enterprises. Humax's goal is to provide a comprehensive experience for all members of the organization.
Humax can handle relatively fully the human resource management problems encountered by manufacturing enterprises:
- Send recruitment messages to candidates who have applied at the company
- Quickly save basic information about candidates serving seasonal recruitment

Time Attendance
Set up timekeeping and work shift registration before implementation
Combine shift registration table with attendance data for daily processing
Based on the attendance history, automatically identify the case with abnormal cases
Warn when overtime exceeds the specified limit
Make many detailed payroll by product, team, department, factory along with general payroll
Integrate accounting software, ERP, timekeeping, DMS, etc. to get payroll data
Warn insurance fluctuations for timely handling

- With a team of highly qualified, enthusiastic and experienced consultants in the field of consulting and developing Human Resource Management software solutions for large manufacturing enterprises and small and medium enterprises, helping to increase experience for managers as well as employees in the working process by automating and optimizing work processes, receiving increasing trust with positive feedback from customers, Humax deserves to be a reliable partner for businesses operating in all industries, especially manufacturing enterprises.