5 digital transformation trends in 2019

Digital transformation is not just a form of technology transformation, it is a change of businesses at the convergence of all three factors of technology, business and people.

There are countless possibilities for this change to take place. According to Daniel Newman (CEO of Broadsuite Media Group, a digital media company), has made a prediction about digital transformation trends in 2019. Those are the trends that businesses can expect to see. business transformation and digital technology. Customers, culture and employees are always at the heart of investments.

1. Chatbot is more complete.

A chatbot is a computer program or an artificial intelligence that conducts a conversation through auditory or textual methods. And in 2018 it gave users a bad experience. But in 2019, the good news is that there has been another big step forward in natural language processing and multi-person emotional expression analysis.

Many believe that natural language processing will completely change the service industry in a way no one could imagine. Think about the scenario that all service industries will not be run by humans, like fast food chains, loan cycles, job recruiters, etc.

It is predicted that about 40% large companies will adopt this technology by the end of 2019, making chatbots one of the top technology transformation trends this year. While there are many warnings about how artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots will affect the workforce, many believe that companies will choose to upskill workers rather than replace them, because computers hooks could have made a clearer request, but had a lot of frustration in terms of empathy and emotion needed to deliver a better customer experience.

2. Coordinate connection with cloud computing (Cloud Computing).

Companies are realizing that using a public cloud, private cloud, or data center connection alone is not the best option. Occasionally, they need to recombine. Therefore, the process of connecting to the cloud is continuing to be perfected to keep up with the changing needs of businesses such as: storage, connectivity, security or application development...

The major public cloud providers across the globe are also starting to offer private cloud options. Multicloud – multimedia cloud, will be the new buzzword in production technology.

3. Blockchain technology must be more popular.

Many people talk about the magic of blockchain technology but so far the technology is just a “mess”. By the way, blockchain technology is too complicated for non-specialists to use and there is no standard way of applying it at the moment.

The only way for the potential of blockchain technology to be widely accepted is to create a version that is easier to understand so that everyone can adopt it right away. Industry leaders like IBM are working to make blockchain technology more popular beyond its application to cryptocurrencies. The financial industry as well as the transportation of goods and services are looking forward to this new technology. So far, though, blockchain technology seems to be more of a marketing gimmick than a real-world application.

4. From data for analysis to machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Data is key for companies to make good decisions about products, services, employees, strategy, and more. In the past year alone, we have created the world's 90% of data ever, yet only used 1% of data effectively.

Market leaders are promoting data capable of generating meaningful business analytics. With improved processing power that can boost machine learning, we'll see leading tech firms like Microsoft, SAP, SAS or Salesforce invest in generating more meaningful data , and machine learning and AI will help with this. The aforementioned number of 1% data could increase to 3% or 4% by 2020. That is a significant increase in data usage.

5. AR trend (virtual interactive technology).

Virtual reality (VR) technology may look great but is not viable outside of games and highly specialized applications on the market today. Instead, virtual interactive technology continues to be the name mentioned many times when talking about digital transformation trends in 2019.

AR can be widely applied in labor training. That's what technology is all about: not just cool, but useful. Some people think that AR is developing slowly, but actually this technology can accelerate in 2019.

Source: PACE Business School





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