Let employees become brand ambassadors of the company

Company brand ambassador? The title sounds unfamiliar, but it can actually be used to give to any internal employee, especially in recruitment. So what does a recruiting brand ambassador mean?

This term is often used to refer to the fact that internal employees within a company use their friendship and social connections to help promote recruitment and the image and brand of the company by Share career opportunities through social networks, email lists or even face-to-face communication over the phone or in person. With difficult or urgent vacancies, many companies often send information to employees via email or message boards at the company to ask to introduce suitable acquaintances or friends. This has brought some success, but there are still many limitations, mainly because the way in which employees are mobilized has not created much effect and has not given them much motivation to participate enthusiastically.

However, the trend in recent years has begun to show that companies are investing more seriously in the "Talent Referral" program when the importance of internal brand ambassadors increases. The department is becoming more and more effective.

Để nhân viên trở thành đại sứ thương hiệu của công ty

Some statistics about the effectiveness of Talent Referral channel recorded by ERE site are as follows:

  1. The source of candidates referred from Talent Referral programs has the highest quality compared to other recruitment sources.
  2. Although the percentage of candidates applying through Talent Referral only accounted for 6.9% compared to the total number of applications, the opportunity to recruit the right personnel reached 46% in the number of successful candidates.
  3. Waiting time for candidates applying through Talent Referral program to be ready to join the company is shortened to 55% compared to other sources of candidates when on average it takes only 20 to 29 days.
  4. Employees recruited through the Talent Referral program often stay with the company longer when 46% of the recruited employees continue to work after 1 year and 45% continue to stay after 2 years.
  5. The diversity of candidate profiles from Talent Referral sources holds the No. 1 position compared to all other recruitment methods thanks to the different relationships of many different internal employees.

It sounds like the Talent Referral program is really worth paying attention to in recruitment, isn't it? The problem is how to operate so that recruitment through this channel maximizes efficiency and convinces employees in the company to become brand ambassadors?

Để nhân viên trở thành đại sứ thương hiệu của công ty

According to Workable, there are four important things that companies need to keep in mind when building their own Talent Referral program.

  1. First, for the positions that are currently recruiting, the requirements and criteria set out need to be clear and easy to understand so that internal employees can easily grasp the information and accurately convey it to friends or colleagues. familiarity to ensure the suitability of the candidates introduced to the company in the Talent Referral program.
  2. Always update the recruitment situation with staff including from the application review step to the results of the interview rounds of the introduced candidates to show respect for the efforts of the ambassadors to find staff. this brand.
  3. Recognize the work of employees who have referred many candidates and show their gratitude with practical actions besides bonuses such as sending letters of praise, honoring them on the company message board, or even finding a new employee. On some occasions, small reward parties are organized to reinforce the spirit of cooperation of employees.
  4. Improve the recruitment process better and better so that employees feel less hassle and hassle when they want to introduce candidates. At the same time, they can also easily manage their own referral steps, list of referral candidates and bonuses without having to directly ask the human resources department and wait for an answer. Specialized software or platforms for building Talent Referral programs are really useful and worthy of attention because of the pre-developed utilities to serve the needs just mentioned.

Any Talent Referral program requires certain efforts and time to prove its effectiveness, but when supported by technology in parallel, creating and building such a program will no longer too difficult or complicated. A Talent Referral product that has powerful enough features, a friendly interface, and provides many utilities and available reference libraries will be a great assistant to bring companies special experiences for customers. with this relatively new recruitment channel.

According to Careerlink

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