What is a competency framework, how to build a competency framework and assess it.

Competency framework is a tool that has many applications in enterprises, especially corporations, corporations, large banks.... Successfully building a competency framework, businesses will have a powerful tool for human resource management.

Besides timekeeping, salary calculation and many other professions, the competency framework is also a topic of special interest to human resources. Accordingly, the competency framework is a tool that has many applications in enterprises, especially large corporations, corporations, banks, etc. Successfully building a competency framework, businesses will have a powerful tool for human resource management.

What is a competency framework?

1) What is capacity?
The concept of competency framework was developed from capacity and applied by managers in many countries as an effective and powerful tool in the field of human resource management. Accordingly, Competency is the ability to apply or use the set of knowledge, skills and related qualities necessary for an individual to successfully perform 'critical job functions' or tasks in a specified location. Competence is also considered a decisive factor for an individual to work more effectively than others.

A person's capacity may be due to his or her natural qualities or accumulated during his or her actual work and learning.

Competencies are divided into the following forms:

Knowledge: Is the information, facts, rules in the field learned and researched from school or accumulated from reality, from material sources or from experienced experts.

Skill: Describes the special abilities or abilities of an individual in one or more aspects that are used to solve real-life situations or jobs.

Attitude: Describes how you view your job, your duties, your colleagues, and the community. Attitudes govern the behavior, behavior and sense of responsibility of the staff

2) Competency framework concept

A competency framework is a table that describes the combination of knowledge, skills, attitudes and characteristics that an individual needs to do well in a job.

The structure of the competency framework usually includes three main groups of competencies as follows:

Common / Core Competency Group: includes the necessary competencies for all positions. Core competencies are determined based on the company's strategy and core values

Block/specialty competencies: are the knowledge and skills in a specific area of expertise needed to complete a job, specific to the job position or department, that an individual needs to be able to do. take up that position.

Group of management / leadership competencies: are requirements for jobs of a managerial nature including planning, organizing, coordinating resources (budget, people, etc.) monitor and evaluate work.

Depending on the complexity, level and scope of management, each title has different requirements for management capacity standards.

3) Application of competency framework
Considered by human resource administrators as a divine tool with many useful applications such as evaluating, managing and making reasonable recruitment needs... More specifically, we can see the following applications:

Basis for determining training needs and formulating HR strategy
The competency framework is an important basis for training activities. It helps to identify the exact training needs and content to help employees satisfy the necessary skills for the job and develop the management team from the employees in the business itself. help improve the quality of employees, promote the strong and sustainable development of the enterprise itself.

Payroll and performance management facilities:
Having a competency framework, managers can rely on it to evaluate the job completion level of the position holder to come up with a reasonable remuneration policy, reward and suitable plan. to effectively retain talent.

4) Steps to build capacity framework
To build an accurate competency framework and effectively apply it to your business practice, you should refer to the steps shared by experienced experts right below:
Standardize the system of functions and titles:
Competency framework is a collection of skills, abilities and qualities of a person for a certain position or department, therefore, in order to successfully build a competency framework, an enterprise must first build and standardize it. Organization chart with clearly defined functions and titles. From there, determine what competencies are needed, helping the person performing the job become outstanding.

  • Determine the capacity to build
    The next step after standardizing the system of functions and titles is to determine the capabilities that may be needed by that position or department.
    The determination of the competency framework to be built can be developed by the department heads themselves or can also be selected from the recommendations of the existing framework.
    When building a business competency framework, it is also necessary to define a competency dictionary, or refer to a number of widely popular competencies such as the Harvard University Competency dictionary. Dictionary), a competency suite developed by the UK's Institute for Human Development (CIPD)…
  • Identify competencies and competency levels

After having a dictionary of competencies for specific departments and positions in the business, the next step to do is to determine the necessary competencies and levels of competence for these subjects. In order to have the most effective results closely related to the activities of the departments and positions, organizing a survey and discussing general opinions is a simple measure that experts encourage for this period.

At the end of this phase, each position and department in the enterprise (except for simple jobs) is associated with a certain set of competencies and corresponding requirements levels. This is the competency framework for each job position.

  • Rated capacity

In order to put the competency framework into practice in enterprises, the last important step is to develop tools to assess each individual's capacity and training and development methods associated with each type of capacity. This step includes detailed work such as individual assessment, determining the capacity gap (Difference between the required capacity and the capacity of the individual in that position after the assessment). Because this requires a very high level of expertise, instead of doing it internally, hiring experts and a team of qualified consultants is recommended for businesses.

Based on the data provided above, managers and leaders of the HR department can build a competency framework for each employee and department in their business and offer training programs. reasonable help develop the capacity of personnel in general, increase the potential internal resources of the enterprise, thereby promoting strong and sustainable development within effectively according to the set common goals.

From the concept, role, influence as well as application of the competency framework, we can see the importance of building a competency framework for the management and promotion of human resources for an enterprise. Therefore, managers need to seriously research and build a standard competency framework as a basis for managing and promoting sustainable development for businesses.

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