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HRM Blogs

10 things should not wait in life

There is a saying: "Thousands of gold are hard to buy what is known in advance". When we look back at past events, many people feel: “If it was like this in the past, things would not have been like that; If you knew it in advance, it would be like that, like that…” The past was

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The new era of the human resources industry – Era 4.0

According to management theory, an enterprise's infrastructure includes four important elements: people, processes, organizational structure and technology. When one of the four factors changes, the other factors will influence and change to create an equilibrium.

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Criticizing employees must have art

Giving criticism is both easy and extremely difficult. How do bosses need to have the art of criticizing their subordinates so as not to affect the relationship between the two sides and help their employees improve? The following might help you.

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Manpower and competition

Faced with the risk of lagging behind in competitiveness in the context of globalization and international integration, more than ever, the human factor needs to be properly recognized by domestic enterprises and used more effectively. . The strategic role of HR

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