Causes of failure in the battle to retain talent

The 4.0 technology revolution changes the way of production, business and management, requiring administrators to apply technology flexibly. Not outside the wave of change, the recruitment field also has effects when the competition in recruitment increases and the personnel life cycle shortens.

The 4.0 technology revolution changes the way of production, business and management, requiring administrators to apply technology flexibly. Not outside the wave of change, the recruitment field also has effects when the competition in recruitment increases and the personnel life cycle shortens.

Human resources in the digital age have more opportunities and are empowered to choose the environment they want to work in. HR can choose to "go" when the business does not meet their expectations. The following article will show some reasons why businesses lose the battle to keep talent:

  1. No criteria for job matching
    In the era of booming technology, employers have many channels to find candidates: social networking platforms, recruitment websites, blogs, etc. A large number of recruitment posts are available and it is not difficult to find schools. The job description does not match the position. This is a big problem, especially when businesses are looking for really suitable and best qualified candidates to apply. Each job position requires unique skills, knowledge and duties, so candidates need to know exactly all the requirements and expectations if they choose a certain job.

For many employees, being able to challenge themselves in many fields is the leading factor for them to find the right working environment for themselves. Many people want to experience many different environments and jobs. For today's young people, it's hard for them to stick with the same repetitive job every day.

  1. Do not create projects capable of igniting passion in talent
    Most managers believe that employee leave is mainly related to remuneration - salary and bonus. But equally important factor for employees to want to stick around for a long time and dedicate themselves to the job is passion for the profession.

Work needs to arouse excitement and passion in talents so that they can fully develop their strengths and forte. Large companies often lack a dedicated position to talk to talented employees to understand whether they are satisfied with their current job or want to take on new jobs that they really care about. or not.

  1. Do not discuss career prospects
    Most employees are not sure what they will do in 5 years, and less than 5% are able to answer clearly when asked. However, 100% employees are looking forward to having discussions about their future at the company. Especially for good employees who are passionate about the profession, they always want to have a specific promotion path and the opportunity to develop personal capacity every day.
  2. Lack of openness and recognition
    Talented people always want to share their ideas and be heard. In fact, many companies do not have this attitude, once the company has announced its vision and strategy, any comment will be considered a nuisance and a sign that employees are not following their orders. Comeinand.

In fact, the majority of workers said that if they were perceived better, they would feel more motivated at work. Proper motivation leads to higher performance and results. When businesses don't open up and acknowledge their skills, they may feel unappreciated, leading to looking for opportunities elsewhere.

  1. Putting too much expectation and pressure on talent
    To get work done quickly and efficiently, businesses tend to assign good employees to handle all the difficult tasks, keeping them busy with work while weaker employees. more relaxed. At first, employees may feel proud of being trusted by you, but in the long run, negative emotions will replace them, they will think that the company is trying to "squeeze" their labor. surname.

An employee, no matter how talented, but if assigned too many tasks, it will be easy to be overwhelmed and find a way out in another place. Sadly, however, few managers realize that.

Attracting and retaining talent is always a top problem for the human resources department at enterprises, how can the company have the best policies to retain good employees, and at the same time attract and gather many talented people at work. The above article has pointed out a number of reasons why companies lose talent, hopefully these will be useful sharing and contribute to helping businesses overcome difficulties in human resource management.

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